Set up your Charging Basket
Hiding cords is my secret passion project. You know why? ‘Cause they give me the chills. Let me show you a nice little trick I’ve learned: Please meet my friend The Charging Basket. She’s a secret pretty place to hide all the plugged in tech.
You just need a multi-plug charger and a fancy basket to hide the crazy. THAT IS IT! The plug could be as simple as a power strip but since I’m charging a lot from USB cords I like to use a multi-usb charger. Next get a basket large enough to hide your biggest tech. Plug in your charger and nestle it into your fancy basket: BAM you have a charging basket.
Mine lives on my living room bookcase so its easy to keep little hands at bay and I added a plug to the shelves when we renovated. My basket has a tightly woven material so I loop the cord over the side of the basket, but if you found one with a more open weave you could definitely push it through the side. I lay a few iPads and my laptop flat and you can’t see any of the craziness. Bonus: If we go anywhere overnight, I can just grab the whole basket and go!